I am not intending to change your beliefs, push my beliefs on you, or to start any kind of religion. I am only putting words for thought out into the universe for people to ponder and hopefully inspire people to start thinking for themselves.

This is Thanksgiving day and we should all be thankful for what we can. There are so many times that we look at the challenging aspects of our lives and don’t look at the blessings. We say this went wrong today if this person hadn’t done that, if this situation had been better, what is going to happen next, when is the next shoe going to drop, and so on. Use these situations as learning experiences instead of drawbacks. I purpose that there are no mistakes in life just learning experiences. If a person gets back that what they put out then the more you put out bad vibes the more bad vibes will come back to you and visa-versa. Try smiling at each person you see over this long weekend and see how many smiles you receive. This is a simple way to test this theory. See if you get more smiles back than frowns.

With that said it is time to look at all the things, there are to be thankful for this day. Look at the small things that you take for granted every day. I cannot name everything here since there are so many but you’ll get the idea. Be thankful for the sunrise, the stars in the sky, being here on this earth today, for family and friends, the flowers that have been around this year, the birds with their songs they share. The wonderful stream with all its hidden wonders that can’t be seen babbling beside you as you walk. Nature, in general, is so wonderful and soothing that a person can just sit in awe of it and appreciate all the wonder there is.

How about the bounty of this year. The food that has been nourishing you, the air you breathe, the water that you drink and that cleanses you both inside and out. The clothes on your back, the bed you sleep in, the shelter you stay at, etc…

It is only after a person can be thankful for the small stuff in life that the bigger things become understood as the luxuries they are. For in life the needs and wants are often mixed up and misunderstood. Certainly, there are many ideas and material things that would make this life better for each person. I suggest that as a person is thankful for the needs that are in their life and realizes the spirituality within them the more appreciated and beneficial the rest of these things are.

Go enjoy however it is that you celebrate this Thanksgiving Day and set aside a moment to really be thankful for all that is. Plant a seed in someone’s heart today and every day from here on and let those seeds be nourished with love.

Ponder these thoughts and make comments if you wish. Until my next post please enjoy Universal Harmony.